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Stamford has been working with the insurance industry since the mid-90s. We provide consulting services in both project management and system development, with deep technical expertise in Progress-based system solutions.

One of our long-standing clients in this sector is Afa Försäkring, owned by the Swedish labor market parties, which insures employees in the private sector as well as municipalities and regions. The challenge here often involves increasing accessibility and simplicity for individuals and businesses using Afa’s services without compromising on security and privacy.

One example is when the Swedish retirement age changed. Our consultants worked closely with the client’s development team, using their profound knowledge of both the business and the systems. This ensured a smooth implementation of the change throughout the system without disrupting the user experience.

Another client in the insurance sector is Bliwa. A total of one million Swedes are insured with Bliwa through their employer or a member organization, thus benefiting from their insurance coverage in case of accidents, illness, unemployment, or death.
