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Ports and Terminals

Many Swedish ports utilize Stamford’s Portit, a combined business and operations system that encompasses all processes required to operate a port, cargo, or container terminal. Some of our terminals can be found in Halland Ports, Norrköping Port, Karlshamn Port, and Copenhagen Malmö Port, and we hold a 70 percent market share in Sweden when it comes to cargo and container terminals.

Our customer list also includes port authorities both in Sweden and beyond. All the customers mentioned above are port authorities, plus additional examples like Gothenburg Port, Stockholm Ports, Stavanger Port, and Faxaflóahafnir (Associated Icelandic Ports). This positions us as the market leader in the Nordic region in this customer segment.

Portit comprises several modules that can be used individually or in combination depending on the specific need:

Terminal Operating System (TOS)

Portit’s Terminal Operating System (TOS) supports operators at small and medium-sized container, RoRo, and cargo terminals in their daily operations. Key functions include container handling, resource planning, and EDI connections to automate cargo flow and manage complex logistics solutions.

Port Operating System (POS)

Portit’s Port Operating System (POS) modules cover all the functions needed in a port.


The Docker personnel portal combines a smooth personnel planning system with an app where port workers can receive work orders on their own phones, express interest in overtime, apply for leave, and order meals.


Gate handles all issues related to entry, including applications, authorization checks, card and code issuance, and invoicing. The system manages administration for multiple locking systems and supports both dynamic and static ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) areas. Gate is part of the Portit system but can also be used independently.


Preadvice is a pre-notification system that allows carriers to pre-announce both container and bulk cargo before the transport arrives at the terminal. This streamlines the process and reduces waiting times, with positive effects on both the economy and the environment. Preadvice works within the Portit environment and integrates with other terminal systems, supporting all types of cargo in a single system.

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Through collaboration with Unikie, we can also offer their POLO app, integrated with Portit. The app provides access to many of Portit’s functions during ship arrivals for those without login credentials in the port system, including arrival information, service orders, invoicing, quay planning, and management of sustainability measurement and reporting.
